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Joshua Luis Pereira
Church Administrator

Joshua Luis Pereira was born into Christian Assembly. Since being able to walk, Joshua has found ways to serve within ministry. In the early 90’s, Joshua started working in ministry duplicating audio cassettes on what is today an old cassette duplicator, being only six or seven at the time. Joshua later on began serving in greater dimensions by joining and fully working in the Television Ministry, both recording and editing their weekly television program. Shortly afterwards, Joshua also came to join Vision of Praise, starting off by playing the piano and then moving on to his true love, the drums. Through time, Joshua fell under the wings of his mentor, Rev. John Amaral, PhD, learning more about ministry.

However, now in his maturity, Joshua also pursues his passion for God through the study of His Word, and has been awarded the privilege preaching the Gospel at the Church under the discretion of the pastor. He also had worked with the Jail Ministry through the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office and taught in the Adult Sunday School Department. For the last four years that he was at Christian Assembly Joshua served as the Youth Director and Treasurer.

Joshua has also spent alot of time pursuing one of his other true passions, counceling, he was the founder of the Teen Intervention Center at Christian Assembly under the supervision of Rev. John Amaral, PhD.  Outside the Teen Intervention Center, Joshua also worked with New Hope’s RESPECT program, and was a Behavioral Specialist at Perspectives Corportion.

Joshua graduated from Rhode Island College with a degree in Psychology & Justice Studies. Joshua also attends Omega Bible Institute & Seminary working on a degree in Biblical Studies. In 2006 Joshua became accredited by the American Association of Christian Counselors, completing and fulfilling all AACC requirements. In 2008 Joshua became a Student Affiliate in the American Psychological Association, also fulfilling all APA requirements for this category.

Today Joshua, his wife Nancy, and his children Hailey & Aiden have the priviledge of worshiping and serving together at Saving Grace Worship Center. Joshua loves to serve the Lord in any way possible and would not have it any other way.